Dedoplistskaro municipality is rich with archeologilad monuments. On the territory of municipality since the 60 years of previous century were held many archeological exploration works (Gokhebi Shrine, dates I millennium BC; Kodiskhevi Tomb, dates II millennium BC; Site of former city of Bronze age near river Iori, Tombs of Akakiskhevi, Mtsaretskali, Purtseltskali and others) . On some of them are currently ongoing archeological expeditions. But non of sites are included in the tourist route and are not ready to receive tourists.
For paleontologists, Dedoplistskaro became interesting after Elephant’s fossil (Nesti taribanensisi) was found. The age of fossil animals found on Iori plateau, in Taribana is 4-5 million years.
Taribana Fossil Elephant – In the fall of 1956, scientists discovered the remains of fossil animals near Taribana on the Kotsakhura range, which was almost completely preserved skeleton of the Southern Elephant ((Archidiskodon meridionalis Nesti taribanensisi). The height of the Archidiskodon is estimated as 4,5 m. and width included tusks of 5 m. And 10 m. Its origin is not quite clear, based on a number of signs, it was considered as the immediate ancestor of the southern elephant, and scientists united these two genera in one breed (Archisconi). However, according to some researchers, the similarity of teeth is a convergent nature and is caused by living in a similar physical-geographical environment. They may have more or less common distant ancestors. Remains of the elephant are kept in Georgian National Museum.