In 2021-2022, the Dedoplistskaro Tourism Development Association implemented the project “Dedoplistskaro Municipality on GOOGLE MAP” of the Smart Villages Initiative of the European Neighborhood Program for Rural and Agricultural Development (ENPARD III Phase), funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

As part of this project, to raise awareness of the municipality, DTDA offered businesses individual assistance and training by visiting their locations directly.

The project team worked in all settlements of the municipality. They recorded public facilities and businesses and marked them on the map, took photos, and obtained other necessary information. After proper processing, this material was uploaded to the map.

The project team conducted training with business owners and their family members on Google services and their capabilities.

Relevant guidance material was prepared in Georgian and published on the website of  DTDA:

They have helped businesses mark their facility on Google Maps, as well as sign up for free services for businesses that will enhance the map and make their business more visible.

About 300 public locations/objects and 600 businesses have been marked/added on Google Maps for Dedoplistskaro Municipality;

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